Heel to Toe
  • Clickless Featured by Project Motherhood
  • Clicklessmotherspress
Clickless Featured by Project Motherhood

Clickless is proud to have been featured as a "fabulous find" by Project Motherhood: The Diary of a NYC Mama. The host, Allison Cooper, recently realized how loud her stilettos were when she took her children to a puppet show in Bryant Park. She was a little late, so the noise stood out.

Allison describes herself as "a New York City Mama learning how to balance my love for my family, fashion, motherhood, and living in the big city! I am the mother of a very rambunctious and independent 3 years old, Branden, and wife to a US Army soldier, Christopher. I hold my Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Marketing, but writing has always been a passion of mine."

Fashion and function. That's what we're all about. We are so happy they've liked our product. Thanks, NYC Mama!

Clickless High Heel Protectors

  • Nicole Greener
  • Clicklessmotherspress